1. I went to Punta Fuego..! I never knew there was sucha beautiful place in the Philippines... wow... hehe... lots of pics in my multiply... hehe... http://kevinikhe.multiply.com/photos/album/5
2. I went Paintball with my blockmates!!! hehe... I've been spending a lot of time with my block recently... I suppose this is a good thing... I really missed them... I don't think it will be a problem this sem 'cause they're my classmates in half of my subjects... cool, eh..? (check out the pics for our drinking session in my multiply and MoA Paintball in the Block S multiply...) http://supahblock.multply.com
3. Arnis training was cool... I almost died... hehe... bleeding hands, 5 hours a day, 5 times a week, more than 8,000 practice strikes a week, more than 500 push-ups and weird physical training... 'nuff said, it's a miracle i'm still alive...
4. I've also been busy working for both ALAC and ASEC... hehe... we moved rooms for ALAC, having a lot of funny moments while we were at it and are making a Manual for Exchange Students in ASEC for the OIP...
Lots more happened, but I just wanna say that i miss some of my other friends too... i haven't seen some of them for a while now, especially a couple of people i'd really want to talk to... so err... haha... whatever... let's all be happy...