Sunday, December 30, 2007
i saw my former badminton trainer... he has hair now... o.O
i get too tired easily... sigh... ><
let's go play... =D
Saturday, December 29, 2007
survey/test thing i got from gene... it's nice ^^
Get to know yourself better
Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.i wanna kill the guy who wrote this...
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?haha... lies...
Your views on education
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual what..?
The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.How do you view success:
Success in your career is not the most important thing in life. You are content with what you have and think that being with someone you love is more than spending all of your precious time just working....
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.eeh... i never get angry....
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.i like this test because it lies... ^^ haha... so evil...
Friday, December 28, 2007
something fun for bored people... (taken from howard)
1* Do you like cheese?
2* Have you ever smoked heroin?
nope... i don't do drugs...
3* Do you own a gun?
wala... haha...
4* Your favorite song?
uuh, nagareboshi by HMK
5* Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
bakit naman..?
6* What do you think of hotdogs?
i don't like hotdogs...
7* Favorite Christmas song?
joy to the world ^^...
8* What do you prefer to drink in the morning.
milk... ^^
9* Can you do push ups?
yeah... onti lang...
10* Favorite super-hero?
uuh, nightcrawler..?
11* What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
i don't have any.. ><
12* Favorite hobby?
uuh, arnis..? computer games.. ^^
13* Secret weapon to get the opposite sex?
i'll leave this blank for the benefit of humanity...
14* Do you have A.D.D.?
what's that..?
15* What one trait do you hate about yourself?
masyadong... ^^
16* Middle Name?
17* Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment
18* Name 3 things you bought yesterday?
yun lang eh...
19* Name 3 drinks you regularly drink?
iced tea, milk, water... ^^
20* Current worry right now?
wala eh... it's vacation time.. ^^
21* Current hate?
myself. ^^
22* Favorite place?
school... haha... yaak..
23* How will you bring in the New Year?
uuh, firecrackers..? ^^
24* Where would you like to go?
around the phils... hehe..
25* Name three people who will complete this and return?
uuh, wala..? sobrang bored lang ako...
26* Do you own flip flops?
27* What shirt are you wearing?
green tribal...
28* Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
err.. no... kinky..? o.O
30* Favorite color/s?
31* Would you like to be a pirate?
ayaw ko sa big bodies of water...
32* What songs do you sing in the shower room?
i don't sing.. ><
33* Favorite girl's name?
uuh, can't say...
34* Favorite boy's name?
can't say that too...
35* What's in your pocket right now?
cellphone, moneh...
36* Last thing that made you laugh?
that 70's show...
37* Best bed sheets as a child?
hippopotamus sheets.. ^^
38* Worst injury you've ever had?
uuh... halos wala eh... puro pasa lang..
39* Do you love where you live?
yeah... haha...
40* How many computers do you have in your house?
4... medyo sira yung isa pero bibili ako ng bago.. ^^
41* Who is your loudest friend?
uuh... XXX < isa lang naman kilala kong tao na three letters ang name...
42* How many dogs do you have?
43* Does someone have a crush on you?
i wish... haha... asa pa ko..
45* What is your favorite book?
the count of monte cristo... <-owns
46* What is your favorite candy?
i don't like sweet things...
47* Favorite Sports Team?
uuh, ewan... Ateneo Arnis < haha.. malamang biased...
48* What song do you want played at your funeral?
hmmm... home by westlife.. haha... yaaaaaak... ><
49* What were you doing 12 AM last night?
talking to someone online i think... can't rememeber...
50* What is the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
homework... ay wala pala... haha...
something fun for bored people... (taken from jic)
Name 25 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Don’t read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 25 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first.
1. justin
2. magi
3. miggy
4. gene
5. raiza
6. karen
7. alyo
8. jic
9. sarah
10. bernie
11. tweety
12. byrone
13. toy
14. keith
15. robbie
16. charles
17. ryan
18. chi
19. ralpo
20. tommie
21. kae
22. yayi
23. john
24. polar
25. nat
how did you meet #3?
miggy - summer training, arnis team...
what would you do if #4 and #5 were going out?
gene and raiza - i won't mind... ^^
what do you know about #6?
karen - uuh, calls me bi...
what do you think of #8?
jic - uuh, nice, vain, nice, vain...
what would you do if #7 confessed that he/she loves you?
alyo - i'll kill him on the spot...
a fact about #21?
kae -gamer girl... ^^
who's going out with #1?
justin - i don't think he's going out with someone...
what's #9 do for a living?
sarah - uuh, study..?
what do you like about #22?
yayi - magaan, madaling buhatin.
do you miss #24?
polar - ewan...
what's your opinion of #10?
bernie - uuh, rocker chick.?
what do you think of #23?
john - scary... ^^
what would you do if #11 and #20 were going out?
tweety and byrone - how can you date yourself..? ><
who does #2 like?
magi - someone up there...
would you ever go to the movies with #9?
sarah - why not..?
is #5 hot?
raiza - sort of...
what can you say about #19?
ralph - fish! (daw) jose rizal (oo)...
does #18 know #16?
Charles and Chi - yeah...
will #17 and #15 work out as lovers?
Ryan and Robbie - siguro pag lasing...
is #12 friendly?
Byrone - yeah...
are you close to #2?
Magi - ewan... medyo...
ever dated #14?
Keith - nope.. ><
is #15 a good friend of yours?
robbie - uuh, okay lang...
what would you say to #1?
justin - hello... ^^
what would you like to say to #4?
Gene - uuh, ewan... hello ulit..?
ever had a fight with #11?
Tweety - nope...
describe #17
Ryan - mushroom!!!
what if #11 and #15 dated?
Tweety and Robbie - someone would die...
would #16 and #19 make a good couple?
Charles and Ralpo - apparently not...
is #14 a good kisser?
Keith - now if there was only a way to find out...
who does #3 love?
miggy - i honestly don't know... (3x na tong question an to ah...)
if #4 were to go out with #9, would #5 get mad?
Gene and Sarah vs. Raiza - eeh? no...
was #20 ever with someone from your list of names above?
Tommie - nah...
who does #25 like?
nat - di kami close eh...
is #24 nice?
Polar - yep... pede mo touch hair niya.. ^___^
is #11 weird
Tweety? not really...
Monday, December 24, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
it's enough...
or at least looks at the world in the same way...
he might or might not care...
but he's there, and that alone makes the burden lighter...
Saturday, December 08, 2007
i wish i had never met you...
it's close, but not close enough...
and i know it's as close as i'll ever get to you...
Monday, December 03, 2007
I'm addicted... crap...
cool, breezy days and hot, steamy nights...
okay, that was creepy, but what the hell... haha...
the past couple of weeks have been really nice...
the highlights being my promotion to yellow belt, playing wow and my mom coming back home... yay...
wish me the best... or for things to just get a little better...
and i thank you all that make my days fun... and the jerks who try to ruin it... haha...
'cause I wouldn't be the same and the day not so fun if you weren't there...
haha... i just wonder why the empty but happy feeling is back again... i wonder why...

Sunday, November 18, 2007
Arnis Nationals: Philippine Olympic Festival
it was really fun, especially since i got to meet a lot of cool people, and spend the day with my teammates... it was fun, tiring and... uhmm.... educational..? haha...
lemme see... my first fight was against the davao coach... i don't know if i did good or maybe it was that he didn't do good... i dunno... haha... then my second fight was with the zamboanga dude... (was he their coach or what..?) he was good... he was able to dodge my attacks and well, hit me harder and faster than i could even hope to do... i saw the finals fight, and he lost... and he even fought so many times better their... i dunno if i stood a chance...
seriously though, i kind of feel disappointed... while i did get bronze, i don't feel so good about it... i don't really know... i think it's either i feel i don't deserve it or i was just expecting myself to do better... just something like what gene's stat said: second place means first loser... haha... or maybe i'm just expecting too much...
still, i'm gonna do better... next year, i'll be aiming for the top... i dun care where i fall... haha... train train train!!!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Why is it always like this..?
I have no reason to be sad (probably except failing calculus) and yet, i feel really really tired...
Not like my usual mentally, emotionally and physically tired state...
More of... tired of living...
I know it sounds really ungrateful, emo, gay and stupid... and i actually don't like myself thinking this way... (that's why i don't get it lol)
so.... i try to cheer myself up... and i'm really grateful that there are people who actually do that...
my blockmates, teammates and other friends... haha...
sometimes, i really do want to skin most of them alive... but then, life would be really boring... haha...
currently, my mind is set on the arnis nationals... i hope that i'll get over this bout of weakness and weirdness by competition time... i really want to give my best... since i won't be showing up as much at training this semester...
sigh... haha... fun sembreak... fun death... haha... i dunno what to say...but i think i'll stay alive for a long time more... ^^
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Survey, from Magi... let's be happy...
1. real name - Kevin William Serafico Enriquez
2. like it –yes
3. single or taken - complicated...
4. zodiac sign- virgo
5. male or female - male
6. elementary - Lourdes School of Mandaluyong
7. high school - Lourdes School of Mandaluyong
8. college - Ateneo de Manila University
9. eye color - dark brown
10. hair color – black/brownish
15. are you a health freak - not really...
16. height - 5'5"
17. do you have a crush on someone - malamang....
18. do you like yourself - frustrated nga lang...
19. piercings – none
20. tattoos - none
21. righty or lefty - righty
22. first surgery - that one...
23. first piercings - none
24. first best friend - killed him...
26. first sport – football
27. first pet - turtle < dead
28. first vacation - pampanga.>?
30. first crush – i can't remember na... haha...
49. eating - nothing...
50. drinking - c2
51. about to - sleep
52. listening to - nagareboshi by homemade kazoku
53. waiting for – Philippine Olympic Festival
54. wearing - shirt and pants
56. want to get married - i don't think i'll do that...
67. careers in mind – i dunno... teacher..?

68. lips or eyes - eyes on both
69. hugs or kisses - hugs for the first, kisses for the other one... haha

70. shorter or taller - shorter/taller
71. tan skinned or light skin - tan on both
72. romantic or spontaneous - spontaneous
73. dark or light hair - dark
74. muscular or normal - athletic then muscular
75. hook-up or relationship - relationship then hook-up
76. similar to you or different - different on both
78. kissed a stranger - yes..
80. broken a bone - sprain lang...
81. climbed up a tree - di ko kaya...
82. broken someones heart - yes... haha... buti nga...
83. turned someone down - yes...
84. liked a friend as more than a friend – duh...
86. yourself - frustrated nga...
89. Santa Claus - dun sa totoo... si St. Nicholas... hindi yung may reindeer hehe...
90. kiss on the first date - done that... dunno why you have to "believe"
91. angels - honestly.. yes
92. Is there one or more people you want to be with right now? - yes
93. Do you hang out with these people? - yah
94. Are you cool? - cool people don't know they're cool nor do they think of it... syempre...hindi...
95. Text message – uuuh... to Pami: text mo ko pag manila ka na...
96. Received call - mama
97. Call made to - keith (checking number)
98. Comment on friendster - i don't use friendster
99. Missed Call - josh
100. Person you hung out with – my blockmates at veejay's house party
103. You talked to - siblings
104. You slapped - someone's butt... o.O
105. Said I love you to – parents
Monday, October 01, 2007
Can you..?
i'm really tired... physically, mentally and emotionally...
too many commitments have taken their toll on me...
but not so much as those people who do not value those commitments...
wouldn't it be nice if people would either help me or just leave me alone..?
and i miss those people who do understand me...
it's kind of ironic that i'm the one who didn't value what was theirs...
i guess it goes both ways...
i wonder where my old self has gone..?
i wish my old life would come back to me...
or i could make a new one for myself...
it seems that i always end up trying to help people but can't...
maybe it's true that you really can't give what you don't have...
i'm just really sorry...
you know who you are...
and i hate you...
and again...
i just wish i could make everyone around me happy...
or just make them go away...
or maybe not...
i don't know...
Friday, September 21, 2007
Test results... ^^_

You are talented at adapting, motivating others, managing resources, and analyzing risk.
You should major in:
Foreign language
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Go through my life for one day...
weird thing to say, i know...
it just popped into my head...
i just wish...
that life would go back to what it was before...
before people started looking for something else...
and i tried to give them what they wanted...
mae e mae e to osareteiku no?
Monday, September 17, 2007
virginity test (from burr kevin) >>> 40% for me.. >>> this is some weird crap... virginity..?
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Disaster at Bruce's...
at first it was all fun... the block, drinks, pizza, and pictures... sigh...
and then at around 930... i blacked out... haha... i wish someone would tell me what happened... i woke up at around 3 am at bruce's house... really wet and smelly...
oh well... the people who know know it better than i do... anyway, thanks to that guy in bruce's house for giving me a ride home... I AM SO NEVER DOIGN THIS AGAIN... haha...
Monday, September 10, 2007
2nd Baguio Arnis-Kali Invitational
This was the best weekend ever!!! haha... while i got defeated really quickly, i saw a lot of great arnisadors from all over and it was so cool!!!
first off, the fights were great..! all the teams displayed skill and power and they've all inspired me to do better... (and i mut get revenge on that PMA dude) the teams that caught my eye were the Baguio and Benguet all stars, Sphinx and the PMA dudes... t'was all cool and fun... looking forward to my next chance.... sigh... i just wish that my right shoulder wasn't injured at the time... T__T
hehe... i also enjoyed the time i got to spend with my teammates... it's seldom that i get to hang out with them outside the training area... haha...
anyway... i will be posting 5 videos (i actually videod 7 then accidentally deleted 2) and some photos... hehe...
Monday, August 20, 2007
Ateneo Survey from Nikki KUa..
(x) eat at Manang's.. yep...
( ) learn the alma mater - when someone sings it i can sing it though...
( ) get on the dean's list - i wish... >___<
( x) sleep on a bench- SEC benches...!
( ) be a TNT - i want to...
( x) jog around the campus in the evening- Once...
( ) visit the art gallery--I want to too!
(x) know at least one xerox lady, manong, or technician by name - I know 2!
( ) get a Jesuit for a teacher--not yet
( ) itch from higad bites - Not yet
(x) have gotten an F in something - Yes. around 25% of my grades are F's methinks...
(x) watch a La Salle vs. Ateneo UAAP game - super cool!!!
( x) give a powerpoint presentation-- one of the pains of ateneo life...
(x ) study in the caf upstairs-- hai...
(x) watch a T.A play - Yep... i like plays...
(x ) sit on the SEC ledge and watch the stars-- it's nice, really...
(x ) eat in Full House, Martha's Kitchen, and Ken Afford--Ken Afford pa lang
(x) sleep in the lib -- Twice... while studying calculus...
( ) visit Mr. San Andres--Still dont know him
(x) go to the chapel - Yes :)
(x) have gotten a pebble stuck in your shoe/slippers in the middle of the quad -hate this...
() cut class with your block to watch a movie - wah..?
( ) sign up for those institutional (i.e. difficult but brilliant) teachers - i dun get this...
( ) go to CERSA night
( ) have tried siomai rice
( x) learn how to smoke - f++k ateneo for this...
(x) fall in love - f++k it twice...
( x) actually read the book you keep borrowing from the lib -why would i borrow it then..?
(x) play cards during your free time - would you be an atenean without this.>?
(x) dressed in business attire -a couple of times...
(x ) learn to stay awake for more than 24 hours straight --camping out for UAAP...
( ) have gotten side comments from ASSOC
() take Saturday classes - mesa don't have NSTP... hehehe...
( ) go to your immersion-T__T
( ) eat Food for After Thought sandwiches
( x) get a boyfriend/girlfriend - +++++++
(x ) take time to read the vandalism in the CR doors - but they disappeared after a while...
( x) watch Minsan Lang Sila Bata and Macho Dancer for class- hehe...
(x) do a last minute paper - Haha.. English feature paper!
(x) have spent a lot for 1x1 ID pictures - HAha
(x) get exempted from final exams - Physics
(x) attend a college mass - Ash wednesday
(x ) promise to quit smoking - yeah right...
( ) play hide-and-seek in the mini-forest -
(x) know where the best restrooms are on campus - Hahaha.. for me.? MVP... tehy have showers, man...
(x) join an org - lots....
(x) allow yourself to make mistakes - doi?
( ) admire the sacred heart statue in the evening
( x) make a video for a project-- En11 and 12...
( x) have a crush on a teacher - more of department person...
( ) attend a Jesuit retreat
( ) have gotten a parking ticket
(x ) come to school in your crappiest yet most comfy clothes - i like it...
() learn how to use the Bayantel pay phones--
(x) participate in school activities -
( x) catch the Blue Babble Battalion tryouts - the best entertainment.. ^^
(x) ride a tricycle on campus -
(x) find a tambayan -
() admire the marikina valley at night
(x ) go drinking along Katipunan - the life!!!
( ) learn how to beg for a higher grade
(x) use your cuts wisely -
( ) volunteer to be class beadle -
( X) had the worst lottery schedule for reg
(x) admire the trees on campus - i love things green...
(x ) have forgotten about your freecut and gone to that class - hehehe...
( x) eat in the ISO canteen - nice, but far...
(x) be active in your org -
( ) have signed up on an ACP class just because the girl or guy u like signed up for it -
( ) get as many app forms as you can during the job fair
(x) learn how to cram -That's what you enhance in Ateneo
( ) sell tickets (or watch) an org-sponsored movie premiere -
( ) save money to Xerox all of your seatmate's notes--
(x ) have accidentally seen a make-out session-- actually, i'm guilty of this as well... hehe..
(x) check out the Meron Lagoon and Lambingan Bridge- what bridge..?
(x) have dozed off in class - sleep is more like it...
(x ) learn how to work with groupmates from hell - ...
( ) perfect the art of parking on campus
( x) had a bad encounter with one of the guards on campus
( ) develop a love for sisig - what's sisig.?
( ) learn how to pronounce AEGIS properly
( x) have used typing rooms at the library
(x ) have reserved a classroom, AVR, etc. for a class or org function -
( ) have asked the library for an endorsement to research in other libraries--
( ) have lost a perfectly functioning umbrella -
( x) have used consultation hours properly
( ) Looked forward to lab breakage refund, in case you didn't break any equipment
() visit the Guidance Office -
( x) and Infirmary - quite often...
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Interesting survey, from Trisha...
Rule #1:
If you open this you GOTTA take it.
Rule # 2:
You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING
unless someone
messages you and asks
Rule #3:
Only answer True or False
Q: Kissed more than one person on your top friends? False
Q: Kissed someone you didn't like? False
Q: You like someone? True
Q: Held a snake? True
Q: Been suspended from school? False
Q: Kissed in the rain? False
Q: Sang in the shower? True
Q: Sat on a roof top? True
Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? True
Q: Broken a bone? False
Q: Shaved your head? False
Q: Played a prank on someone? True
Q: Had/have a gym membership? False
Q: Donated Blood? False
Q: Had your heart broken? True
Q: Broken someone's heart? True
"Who was your last?"
just be 100% truthful
1. You hung out with? Alyo
2. last person you texted? Makoto
3. last person you slept next to? Makoto
4. Went to the movies with? Family
5. Went to the mall with? Family
6. You talked to on the phone? Sunny
7. Made you laugh? Makoto
8. You hugged? Mom
9. you kissed? Mom
10. Made you cry? Nikko
1. Be serious or be funny? Funny!
2. Drink whole or skim milk? Whole.
3. Die in a fire or get shot? Get shot.
1. Sun or moon? Moon. I'm a night person...
2. dark or light chocolate? light?
3. Left or right? Right.
4. Sunny or rainy? Sunny.
5. Hugs or kisses? Kisses
6. Where do you live? Pasig, Metro Manila
7. Rock or Techno? Neither.
8. Do you want to get married? Maybe
9. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Cut
10. Do You Cook? Yeah... I like making deserts more though...
11. Current mood? Tanoshii...
1. Kissed someone? Yes.
2. Sang? YES. :D
3. Been hugged? YES
4. Like someone you can't have? Yes
Repost this as, ''WHO WAS YOUR LAST?"
Monday, August 13, 2007
Change of mind...
okay, I said I was gonna post a story but I think that it wouldn't do the story justice if i just put it here... haha... it's better off being told personally... anyway, september looks like it's going to be a really cool month, with all the competitions for arnis and fun things to do for orgs and judo... haha... sadly, my acads don't look so good... haha... anyway, keep checking... i'll be posting pics of competitions, parties and all other happenings here... hehe...
Friday, August 10, 2007
1. As you guys may have noticed, I've been gone for a really long time... hehehe... you can blame this on the trio of arnis-acads-orgs... still, I'll be writing sooner or later... hehe... something meaningful, at least...
2. i'm connecting this account to my multiply... i'm just using blogger for posting blogs... it makes things much easier...
3. and lastly, i'm writing this like 5 minutes before my next class so it's a mess...
anyway, in the next post, i'll be telling a weird but deep story and some of the cool things i've been doing recently... haha... mata kondo ne minna!!!
and here's a funny pic i found... courtesy to the owners... ^^_

Sunday, June 10, 2007
Still Alive...
1. I went to Punta Fuego..! I never knew there was sucha beautiful place in the Philippines... wow... hehe... lots of pics in my multiply... hehe...
2. I went Paintball with my blockmates!!! hehe... I've been spending a lot of time with my block recently... I suppose this is a good thing... I really missed them... I don't think it will be a problem this sem 'cause they're my classmates in half of my subjects... cool, eh..? (check out the pics for our drinking session in my multiply and MoA Paintball in the Block S multiply...)
3. Arnis training was cool... I almost died... hehe... bleeding hands, 5 hours a day, 5 times a week, more than 8,000 practice strikes a week, more than 500 push-ups and weird physical training... 'nuff said, it's a miracle i'm still alive...
4. I've also been busy working for both ALAC and ASEC... hehe... we moved rooms for ALAC, having a lot of funny moments while we were at it and are making a Manual for Exchange Students in ASEC for the OIP...
Lots more happened, but I just wanna say that i miss some of my other friends too... i haven't seen some of them for a while now, especially a couple of people i'd really want to talk to... so err... haha... whatever... let's all be happy...
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Aosugiru sora...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I guess that since this is a really big change in my life, i suppose that i should change my mindset as well... part of that is my adopted japanese name... it's that word to the left... it means "rainbow haze"... someone told me it was emntioned in some anime... hahaha... i don't care... you could take literally, but i take a deeper meaning to heart... oh well... i think i'm going to cut this post real short... i'm not really in the mood to type... i'm closer to crying actually... anyway, good luck to you all... summer's the best..!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Boku no Tomodachi - My Friends...
hmm... since i can't think of anything else to write, i'll make this post a tribute to my friends... haha... can't imagine living without them... so err... let's start off with my course blockies...
Block S is the best block ever..! the superblock, hahaha... i really feel bad not being able to spend time with them... sigh... it'll all change during the summer... hahaha... anyway, there's karenini and ralpo in the picture... hahah...
and here are some of my english blockies to the right... they're really cool... hahaha... while my course blockies taught me how to drink, they taught me style... hahaha... some of the people i'm closest to in Ateneo are either here or have super-close ties to this block...
thank you guys for the parodies and films... haha... way cool... hahah... to right is jean, pam and aileen... hahaha...
out of all my friends, they probably have the "cleanest" trips... hahaha... no smoking and drinking here boys... hahaha... and last, are the "special" people... wahahaha... there's rules, who's like a big bro or something close... he doesn't know what i really think about him... and nikko-san... the best person ever... hahaha... i really wish that people would know how much i appreciate them being my friends... hahaha... i'm tired... hahaha... good night people...
rules-san and nikko-san... hahaha... i love everyone... hahaha... sorry for the pics btw, i'm toying around with my cam...
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
hell week version 2.0

1. It's double hellweek, and that anything I say probably has it's roots and/or is influenced by my current mental state of near insanity...
2. This is my first time to try include pictures in my blog, so I'm asking you guys for tips and comments on how to better use them on my blog...
3. This is the sheep costume I wore for half a schoolday for my En12 class. I know I look stupid and weird, but hey, it's like a once in a lifetime chance to goof off and get out of my usual emo self...
Something that bothers me is that sometimes, people from other schools tend to belittle what we call in Ateneo "hellweek"... people seem to think it's just something like the school cramming everything into those two weeks... well, they are right about that part... the thing they don't get though, is that it's not the projects, groupworks, papers nor the tests... the thing that drives Ateneans (most of them at least) insane is the efficiency, coordination and planning you need to make it to the deadline... it holds true to everything, especially groupworks and study times... just take my botany groupwork for example... we planned it for months, went to baguio to get it done, and yet we still needed to cram (a bit) on the 2 days before the presentation and on the same days our Ma18/20 and Bi8 tests were held... nasty... we did make it though, thanks to careful planning and efficient work...
hey, you know that guy wearing white..? he's the reason i'm taking hellweek on pretty well... (i hate going near mushy so don't complain)
seriously, this guy has made me really happy again... so if you ever see me smiling around for no apparent reason at all, thank this guy... wahahaha... anyway, I wish luck to all those experiencing the undead-turning effects of hellweek... may we all survive and enjoy the summer...
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Baguio and Dagupan...
Baguio: shit... the flower festival was so cool... what's more cool is that we got to abuse our connections and got top seat views of the Panagbenga and got to interview the founder of the flower festival... great, huh..? Another great thing is that i got to spend a lot of time with my friends Rules, Jic, Keila and Clara... we're never gonna forget this weekend... we even played Forbidden Questions... haha... that really spiced everything up... We all now have trash to talk about... i really apologize to the super innocent people whose minds were violated during this episode... nyahahaha....
Dagupan: one of the coolest things to ever happen to me... we left rules in baguio; it was really a pain to leave him there... while the road travel was soo annoyingly long, the dinner and the time spent at jic-san's house was real worth it... we played cards, chatted and everything... so cool... and after the girls left, we had some fun... tonikaku... everything just went well... we left dagupan at three am... i wish i had more trips like this... cool cool cool...
on other things: Nikko-san... you know it... nyahahah...
Monday, February 19, 2007
and so it seems...
i just wish it would end... i'm tired... it's just too much...
quoting my drunk self:
"you say I'm your friend... but if you can't accept me wholly as I am, then I'd rather be nothing to you... Friendship doesn't work with halves..."
kuso... i don't know who to hate more: myself, my so-caled friends, or the world... there's only so much a person can take... it was way better when I wasn't showing my happy face to the world... so, upon the world's request (courtesy of so-called friends), I'll go back to the normal me... it'll be better I tell you... no more plastic faces and what not... no more dealing with insensitive people... haha... good luck everyone...
Friday, February 09, 2007
THE sheep of THE Ateneo...
I should really thank (kuya) Danvic for letting me borrow the costume... haha... i know it was a devil's pact promising not to call him kuya anymore, but i don;t think I can keep the promise though... After all, I'm very impulsive and weird...
Haha... oh well, it's been a fun week... Arnis sparring is gonna start soon... The strike and block practices are fun (for me, at least) and are pretty much mindless and effortless whacking for me... haha... shame that the english 12 paper's gonna ruin next week when all the good parts come...
haha... everything that's been hapening this week has been very nice, specially love life-wise... haha... i hope these good times will last a bit longer... i rarely get a break... oh well, oyasumi...
Friday, February 02, 2007
Two hearts down... One more lonely person in the world...
I guess I'm really a big disappointment... I know I've been doing a lot of great stuff for other people and everything, but how come it is that person I love the most, taisetsuna tomodachi, that finally broke this wall of a heart..?
My first and only real kiss... I can still remember it, and it makes me even sadder... I really expected that person to appreciate me and accept me as who I am... I know he does, but it's cruel that i can no longer feel the love and warmth of acceptance... Something's missing and if i don't find out what it is, I'm gonna break soon... boku no kokoro itai...
They say that at times like this, you have your friends to help you... It's kind of weird to think that the help and understanding came not from my "friends" but from people i didn't expect it from... There's my english block barkada, my blockies and other friends... Most of them are real understanding, but there are few who I can talk to about my feelings... One of them probably would try to listen, but I know he feels uncomfortable with it... it's hard, but finding someone who cares is sometimes the only way you'd feel nice again...
I don't know what to do... I just want to go back to those times where there was nothign wrong with me... when i had no reason to be insecure, and to be disliked by other people... I just can't think of a reason why such things are happening to me...
right now, i'm not lonely but angry... for my so called "friends", i'm going to wait for your honest reply... namaiki na kimi no sunao ni henji... not one of words but of thought... i just want to get out of this pathetic state I'm in and I need your help...
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Vascular Bundle..?
Enough about that... I can't keep on being miserable... it is my job to help people fulfill their dreams even though I myself have lost my own... haha... I'll just keep you guys updated on what I'm up to nowadays when I feel a little bit better...
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Merry Christmas ato Akemashite!!!
I think I'm also getting beter with Nihongo... (I know no one cares) It's real fun and when you get the hang of it, you'll find yourself free from anime subtitles and capable of pacyfing your murdurous 10 year old cousins... hehehe...
Other than the family stuff, nothing much has happened... I missed my friends of course... But I'm in the mood to be in a sadistic game... I have stuff in store for them... hehehe... It's payback time...
Well, I guess that's all for now... if you have the time, I advise you to play COunter-Strike Source with a good number of people... It's fun... And for the classic game veterans out there, Starcraft is the game of course... I got myself new strategies which made it fun again... (i still lost though... oneechan is real good i tell you...) hehe... god bless... ^^_