1. real name - Kevin William Serafico Enriquez
2. like it –yes
3. single or taken - complicated...
4. zodiac sign- virgo
5. male or female - male
6. elementary - Lourdes School of Mandaluyong
7. high school - Lourdes School of Mandaluyong
8. college - Ateneo de Manila University
9. eye color - dark brown
10. hair color – black/brownish
15. are you a health freak - not really...
16. height - 5'5"
17. do you have a crush on someone - malamang....
18. do you like yourself - frustrated nga lang...
19. piercings – none
20. tattoos - none
21. righty or lefty - righty
22. first surgery - that one...
23. first piercings - none
24. first best friend - killed him...
26. first sport – football
27. first pet - turtle < dead
28. first vacation - pampanga.>?
30. first crush – i can't remember na... haha...
49. eating - nothing...
50. drinking - c2
51. about to - sleep
52. listening to - nagareboshi by homemade kazoku
53. waiting for – Philippine Olympic Festival
54. wearing - shirt and pants
56. want to get married - i don't think i'll do that...
67. careers in mind – i dunno... teacher..?

68. lips or eyes - eyes on both
69. hugs or kisses - hugs for the first, kisses for the other one... haha

70. shorter or taller - shorter/taller
71. tan skinned or light skin - tan on both
72. romantic or spontaneous - spontaneous
73. dark or light hair - dark
74. muscular or normal - athletic then muscular
75. hook-up or relationship - relationship then hook-up
76. similar to you or different - different on both
78. kissed a stranger - yes..
80. broken a bone - sprain lang...
81. climbed up a tree - di ko kaya...
82. broken someones heart - yes... haha... buti nga...
83. turned someone down - yes...
84. liked a friend as more than a friend – duh...
86. yourself - frustrated nga...
89. Santa Claus - dun sa totoo... si St. Nicholas... hindi yung may reindeer hehe...
90. kiss on the first date - done that... dunno why you have to "believe"
91. angels - honestly.. yes
92. Is there one or more people you want to be with right now? - yes
93. Do you hang out with these people? - yah
94. Are you cool? - cool people don't know they're cool nor do they think of it... syempre...hindi...
95. Text message – uuuh... to Pami: text mo ko pag manila ka na...
96. Received call - mama
97. Call made to - keith (checking number)
98. Comment on friendster - i don't use friendster
99. Missed Call - josh
100. Person you hung out with – my blockmates at veejay's house party
103. You talked to - siblings
104. You slapped - someone's butt... o.O
105. Said I love you to – parents